Saints don't grow holy by chance.
Instead, by living in accord with a plan of life, they transform their everyday frustrations, anxieties, and temptations into opportunities for humility, contemplation, and growth in sanctity.
Now you can, too.
Here, Fr. John Portavella shows you how to develop for yourself a personalized plan of life that will enable you to balance your duties to God, your family, and your work, and even to make time for leisure.
You'll discover easy, practical ways to fit prayer, devotions, and spiritual reading into your family situation and professional life. In just a few weeks, your cares and anxieties will give way to holy peace as you awaken to the workings of God's loving grace in your life.
In just a few weeks, your cares and axieties will give way to the holy peace as you awaken to the workings of God's loving grace in your life.
This Little Manual for Spiritual Growth brings you the time tested keys to lasting health of soul and cheerful serenity of spirit.
Product Details:
- Paperback
- 131 pages