This 12-inch, painted plaster statue of St. Martin De Porres portrays him clothed in the Dominican habit. He is also carrying a golden cross to symbolize the great penances he performed out of love for Christ.
St. Martin de Porres lived in the 16th century in Peru. He was a Dominican lay brother who worked particularly with the poor and who performed great works of penance. He lived a life of service to those in his Dominican community and the poor outside in Peru. He is the patron saint of barbers, the poor and interracial harmony.
St. Martin de Porres lived in the 16th century in Peru. He was a Dominican lay brother who worked particularly with the poor and who performed great works of penance. He lived a life of service to those in his Dominican community and the poor outside in Peru. He is the patron saint of barbers, the poor and interracial harmony.