About Our Lady of Loretto: Our Lady of Loretto's story took place a long time ago. It is also known as the "Holy House of Loretto" and is greatly revered; Jesus mother, Mary, was born in the home. A statue is located in the home to venerate the Annunciation or Incarnation of Mary and a special celebration is held there every year on March 25th, 9 months before Christmas. The home was transported in the 13th Century by a team of angels who flew it over to Tersato, Dalmatia in 1291.A few years later, the angels safely transported the home to Reananti in 1294, and later the angels finally took it over to Loretto where it has remained for centuries. It is likely that since the home was so successfully transported by the angels so many times, it became logical that those associated with flying revered Our Lady of Loretto. Our Lady helps to provide comfort and safety to our aviators. Pray to Our Lady of Loretto for safety when friends and family are aviating and she will keep them safe and secure.