This book is a culmination of Father Zeno's life work. With the cooperation of the Oratorian Father, he was given full access to all of Newman's letters, diaries, and complete published and unpublished sermons. From all this he has drawn together the interior struggles Newman faced from childhood until his death. Zeno allows Newman to speak through his work and writings, an exceedingly rich source. This is a land mark work considered one of the best spiritual biographies of John Henry Newman ever written.
This book was first published in Dutch and met immediate and extensive acclaim. It covers Newman's young life as an Anglican, the doubts he faced in light of his historical studies, his conversion to Catholicism, the trails he faced as a result of his conversion, and his remarkable growth in holiness and the interior life.
About the Author:Father Zeno, one of the world's foremost Newman scholars obtained a Ph.D. in English language and literature and did his doctoral thesis on Newman's epistemology.
Book is Softcover 336 pp.