All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed by Fr. Stefano Manelli - Book on Mary Our Mother, Paperback, 393 pp.
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed by Fr. Stefano Manelli examines in detail the Church's understanding of the scriptural presentation of Mary. In this book of biblical Mariology the reader is presented a progressive exposition of the Gospel message about our Lady.
Fr. Manelli's book is an excellent tool to have in one's hands in order to learn the biblical basis of Marian theology & spirituality. This is a must have to use as a textbook for those who may teach Mariology. It is concise, thorough, and easy to read. It is well documented for further reading. Fr. Manelli puts to flight those errors in biblical Mariology by interpreting Sacred Scripture according to the way the Catholic Church has spelled out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Thank you Fr. Manelli!! We need more biblical scholars like you who have a TRUE devotion to the Blessed Mother.
Revised and Enlarged Second Edition, 2005