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Seven Ignored Facts about Genuine Islam--Siete Hechos Ingorados Acerca Del Verdadero Islam

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Seven Ignored Facts about Genuine Islam And the Essence of Christianity

Siete Hechos Ignorados Acerca Del Verdadero Islam, Lo Esencial del Cristianismo

Seven Ignored Facts about Genuine Islam & the Essence of Christianity

The Arab American Christian Ministry, Joseph Abraham, MD.

This small book has many facts explaining the true genuine Islam. The only resources are the Quran and teachings of Islam according to great ancient and contemporary Muslim scholars. Their textbooks are studied in all Islamic universities all over the world, including Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, and Pakistan. Muslim propagandists roam across Europe and America declaring that Islam is a religion of social justice, equality, peace, and dignity for women. They take advantage of the fact that Westerners are unable to read Arab textbooks to know the truth

In this book, people will know that Muhammad said: "I was ordered to fight all people until they say that there is no God but Allah, and I am his messenger." Muhammad gives two options for infidels: Islam or death

He ordered his followers to attack Jews and Christians until "they pay the tribute being brought down." This is what has been happening throughout history to expand Islam. One Muslim scholar Dr. Buti said, "Islam is not a peaceful religion; this is just a wrong theory."

Islam orders a holy offensive war because Muhammad said, "You must invade them even if they don't invade you."

Muhammad also said, "Hang your whip where your wives can see it." Because the Quran gives husbands permission to beat their wives.

For a fuller understanding and more information read the book by the same author of Behind the Veil Unmasking Islam.

DEDICATION: This book is dedicated to all Westerners, in order to know the truth about this mysterious religion. It is also dedicated to all Christian missionaries, to know how to witness to Muslims and how to answer their questions and how to expose Islam before it is too late. To all politicians, to know what genuine political Islam is all about, so that they can take necessary preventive safety measures. To all Muslims, whom we respect and love, for many of them are peaceful and friendly, so that they would know the truth about true Islam and pure Christianity. To Osama Bin-Laden, Taliban, and all al-Qaeda members to let them know that Islam is not worth fighting for.

This book is available in Spanish or English, so please indicate in the drop-down menu which language you would like.,P> Siete Hechos Ignorados Acerca Del Verdadero Islam y Lo Esencial dl Cristianismo

Ministerio Cristiano Arabe Americano, Jose Abraham MD

Este libro es dedicado a todos los del occidente, para que conozcan la verdad sobre de esta misteriosa religion. Tambien es dedicado a todos lo misioneros cristianos, para que sepan como testificar a los musulmanes, y como contestar a sus preguntas. A todos los politicos, para que sepan de que se trata el verdadero Islam politico, para que tomen medidas preventivas. A todos los musulmanes, a quines repetamos y amamos, pues, muchos de ellos son pacificos y amigables. Para que tambien conozcan la verdad del verdadero Islam y el cristianismo. A Osama Bin-Laden, Mulla Omar y a todos los miembros de Alqaeda, incluyendo a John Walker del Norte de California, para hacerles saber que no vale la pena sequir luchando por el Islam. Tambien, deseamos dedicar este libro a toda la amable y apreciada comunidad hispana.

Paper Back / Tapa Blanda de Papel, 57 pp

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